Nolan’s Palatable Pictures

picture at school of a student holding a squash while sitting on top of the Oratory Ram Statue
A student in the cafeteria drinking Pepsi

I chose the squash because of it’s unique shape and texture. It’s orange color is also captivating and circularity. I chose the pepsi can because of it’s vibrant blue color.

The first photo was taken outside in the morning, giving the photo enough light where the light isn’t overtaking the main subject of the picture (the squash). It was somewhat sunny but mostly cloudy, so the picture was dark but was there was still light. The second photo was taken in the school cafeteria with medium lighting from the cafeteria lights, adding more vibrance to the food and the student’s hoodie.

I took a photo focusing on the most vibrant objects in the photo and zoomed in (focus) to put the vibrant object in the photo. I also mainly focused on selecting  different foods with different types of matter and color.  I cropped the photo as well to not distract the background from the main color object

Both of these images are everyday things in every day life. The significance of the photo is how food brings color into our lives. The black and white changes once the person touches food or eat/drinks it.

I enhanced the depth of field to focus on the main object. I zoomed in so that nothing could distract from the food. I changed the exposure so that the light could match the photo.

Advice for students next year is that they should take photos that they enjoy. it’s important to follow directions, but try to be creative. The objective of Digital Photography is to learn how to take photos and edit them, but to have as much fun as possible as well.

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